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NCPO Workshops

The NCPO Workshop is designed to provide practical guidance to those interested in client protection with hands on, relevant information to ensure protection of the public in the most effective manner.


The workshop is for client protection professionals, trustees, committee members, and other with interest in the inner workings of client protections funds across the United States and Canada.


Topics for the regional workshop are derived from spirited conversations and your input.  If you have topic ideas, please share them with us at!


Interested in hosting a workshop? Contact us!  A committee with assist your jurisdiction with planning.

Annual Meeting

The annual meeting is held in conjunction with the ABA Standing Committee on Client Protection and the ABA National Client Protection Forum.


“The Forum is a national educational, informational and networking event for professionals working in the area of client protection. Our open arena offers a stimulating mix of formal educational sessions with the opportunity for an informal exchange of ideas.”

NCPO Workshop Assistance Program

The Workshop Assistance Program is an award program established by NCPO to assist members of NCPO in attending and participating in NCPO sponsored workshops and the annual ABA Client Protection Forum. The workshop assistance award will be assessed based upon financial need. The maximum award to be granted is $1,000 for each event. The award recipient will also receive a waiver of the registration fee to the NCPO workshop.

Apply for Assitance
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